Nicci Take, Mercer
Nicci Take
Head of Growth/Sales UK Wealth

Bio: Nicci used to be a boy but she’s alright now!

She is Interim Head of Growth/Sales for Mercer Wealth UK and is Chairwoman of a company called m62|vincis, which has been a Mercer supplier for over 10 years. She spent 44 years pretending to be male and trying hard to fit into a role that ultimately, like a bad suit, didn’t fit. For the past 8 years she’s been wearing haute couture that does fit and spends her time trying to change the world, one bigot at a time.

In 2017 she made the FT OUTstanding list of 100 LGBT Role models and in 2018 the FT’s HERoes List of 100 women who support women in business and inadvertently became hated by the ladies of “Mums Net”. She works in London but lives in Liverpool with her wife and 3 teenage kids, all of whom don’t miss her as much as her cooking when she’s away. 
